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The Musician

It was our privilege to evangelize in a certain city. There were a faithful band of witnesses in the local testimony resulting in was door to door visitation, factory meetings, school meetings, cottage meetings and open-air meetings.  There was also a series of Gospel Meetings held at the local hall. Quite late each evening we had an open-air meeting outside the local dance hall and hotel. The dance hall and hotel was known nationwide as a place of ill repute.

In a previous testimony (May 1964) we gave the testimony of three women, a mother and her two daughters, street women attached to the dance hall and hotel, who were gloriously redeemed by the living Christ. The salvation of these women caused no small stir at this place, so you can imagine the enemy of souls was very active at the late-night open-air meetings. Each evening, we were heckled and jeered by the customers. This did not escape the attention of the local press which printed some startling headlines.  They were even bold enough to write a series of articles on what happened in the hotel and dance hall. This brought down the anger of the proprietors, and gave a free advert to the meetings.

Night by night the crowds grew larger, until eventually the inside of the hotel and dance hall were almost deserted, while outside countless numbers of people gathered. Many parents were shocked to find their young school-aged daughters making out with men who were old enough to be their fathers. Many of the parents who had come to the open-air meetings for the thrill found themselves shocked by the bad behaviour of their children. Every night, as an appeal of surrender to Christ was made, young people and parents responded amid the howling of the mob. Business inside the hotel had come to a standstill so pressure was brought upon the local police. However, as we had already been granted permission to have the open-air meetings, the police saw no reason to do anything more than keep some order. It is to the credit of the police that they gave us the utmost encouragement and co-operation.


Then came a night when a strange spirit appeared before us. At first it was difficult to know whether it was male or female. The locks of hair hung around the neck and chin and covered the face. There was a beautiful coat that would defy description, and stove pipe pants that must have been moulded to the figure. That this was surely no ordinary person for the whole crowd was silent as the spirit made its way to the centre of the ring. We were greeted with a stream of cursing. After the greeting the spirit addressed the crowd, and pointed out that any fool knew there was no God, and as for hell, well that was outdated. "It" proved to be masculine, the leader of the dance band, and a national figure. When he was finished we pointed out that there was some truth in what had been said, "That any fool knew there was no God.” But the exact truth was that the fool in his heart says I will not have God. Consequently, fools die for the lack of wisdom. Tom” (the name we will call the band leader) had much to say, but every word had its direct answer from Scripture.


That night was the commencement of a series of open-air meetings that were Christ exalting and did not finish until the dance hall and the hotel closed. However, night by night for about a week Tom shared the centre of the ring with us. To a few of the audience who gathered it was better than a circus, but to most, there came the reality of the sinfulness of sin and the amazing love and grace of the Lord. Every meeting in the hall had a capacity crowd which was most attentive and responsive.


The night arrived when we were about to close the indoor meeting but at the back of the hall there was a sob. A moment or two later Tom rose. I can still see that figure coming down the centre aisle. Both hands were stretched out and touching the seats on either side of the aisle. Slowly but surely, he came to the front. Then brushing the hair back from his face, we could see what we had never seen before, because Tom had always worn dark glasses. Now he had none. His eyes were sightless. His face was tear stained and showed an agony of soul. Yes, this man was totally blind. And it is true that he was a great musician. From the depths of his soul he cried, "God, be merciful to me a poor sinner.” It seemed as though the audience had been stunned, and realizing how Satan could use such an occasion for false professions, we quickly closed the meeting.

We took Tom to a side room and after prayer we heard his story. He had not known a mother or father, but he had determined to make his life a success. With amazing odds against him he studied music. He came to know the keys of the piano better than he knew himself. It was said of him that he gave a piano a soul. As Tom told his story, he said that each success brought greater emptiness. He had been gravely tempted to drink and women, but as he put it, "Something stopped me.” Together we read a portion of Scripture and prayed. Then we returned to the open air. It was a very subdued crowd that stood around that evening. In due course Tom stood on the box. His words are still with me. "I suppose you would like me to speak, and I will" he said. "When I was learning to play the piano I did not make any public appearance: that would have been foolish. Surely it would be much more foolish of me to tell you now of One whom I have just come to know. Surely I must practice being a Christian before I make a public appearance." Tom, of course, was out of work. His decision was a nine-day wonder among the folk of that city, and soon he was forgotten by most of them.

However, he had found peace, security and reality in the Lord Jesus Christ. He became a man of prayer and diligently he searched the Scriptures. Eventually he became a teacher of music. But, you wonder, was his profession real? Did it last? Yes, indeed. Tom finds the Lord real, and he has found the Christ of God not only able to save to the uttermost them that come unto God by Him. . . But also, …able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy. Jude  24. So Tom ascribes to Him, the only God, our Saviour, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 25 ESV


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